
The TI-Box is designed to replace the entire old electronics of any isotope ratio mass spectrometer, except for the FM amplifiers. The original cabinets are discarded and the analyzer plate with ion source, flight tube, magnet and multicollector will be top-mounted to the new TI-Box cabinet with modern electronics.

The instrument is controlled by the modern and advanced RunItTI- software package, although manual control is maintained for all major functions.

During data acquisition, raw data is transferred to MS-Excel. All further calculations are done within an Excel spreadsheet. Run summaries are updated after each scan. This provides maximum flexibility and transparency. Templates for all common measurements are available.

TI-Box features
  • Two optically isolated integration systems, one for monitoring purposes and one for data acquisition. Even during long integration intervals, the signal is monitored in real-time by the PC without interferring with the data acquisition
  • Voltage-to-Frequency-Converters are integrated into the amplifier housing
  • integration times can be set from 0.2 sec up to 11200 sec in steps of 0.2 sec
  • automatic ion beam focussing system with individual voltage readout for each ion source lens
  • automatic power supplies for each ion getter pump
  • computer controlled setting and readout of SEM/RPQ high voltage, SEM/FAR/RPQ deflection voltages, SE-Lens voltage
  • computer controlled RPQ focussing voltages
  • processor controlled, highly stable twin filament supplies
  • processor controlled sample turret drive
  • safety interlocked power control unit for main power distribution, high vacuum pumping system and analyzer valve
  • hall probe based, fast field regulator electronics, 1s settling time will be achieved with the existing electro magnet
  • all communications based on CAN-Bus (2-wire fast and reliable serial communication system)